Sunday, April 26, 2009

Vivi's First Blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok so this is my first time actually blogging... tony is the one that got into this so i'll try it this one time and we'll see how it goes from here hehe.
So, last time that we were in here we were on our way back from droping off Parley and Ethan and that was November let's catch up shall we! December was fun this was my first time spending Christmas with someone else other than my own family and it was really fun they always make me laugh (the Ericksons) January i think was uneventfull if i remember about something i shall write it down later. February was fun! We went to Utah for Parleys baptism! He is such a good boy, he is the only 8 year old who can actually use the word "touche" and put it in context. He is so smart and i am constantly amazed at the fact that he already speaks like an older person. I have only known Parley since November and the sucky part is that we only get to see him like 4 weeks outta the year and i know that that kills Tony. You have to remember im a little bit on the retarted side so bare with me on the pictures that i have because they're a little bit old. Anyways... continuing on.... Ethan! This little boy cracks me up! a lot! I love it when he goes next to tony and whispers "i love you daddy" he seriously almost makes me cry when he says that because i cannot imagine how hard it would be to not have them around for Tony. I hate the fact that they're gone. When Tony came back from Utah last year for his camping trip i looked thru all his pictures and one of them was Ethan just waking up and looking at him with his thumb in his mouth and those big blue eyes. One of the things i do every morning is that i turn around to give Tony a kiss good morning well there are days when i can see Ethan. The exact same way just 26 years older that little boy is his fathers shadow.
I love Tony with all my heart and he is the best thing that has happen to me. From the beggining i took him with all his baggage and i didnt think it was gonna be a lot of it but i was totally wrong. Even with that i have never ever consider those two precious little boys baggage. They may not be my kids but they are part of Tony and because of that i love them and Utah just made me more aware of that so everytime they come to Colorado im just thankfull that we get to see them :)
To keep going, ahhhhh oh yeah march nothing, april, hmmmmm.... april is just about over and as far as us, we moved out of our apartment and im missing it because i had more quite than i do now but the fact that we can keep going with our businees and that we are going to get our of debt by the end of this year just kinda help our a lot. I dont know how May will go but i will let you guys know. XOXO

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